Friday, 29 January 2010

Random flame trooper conversion

Hi all
This is a Random Figure i got in a large karma bomb from a mate recently and decided to see if it was possible to convert him into my guard force as a flame trooper. Inspiration came from Brostin of Gaunts Ghosts fame as he is big and loves the smell of prom in the morning lol.
I've managed to swap his laz gun for a flamer and removed the spikey bits from his armour, then started sculpting in a shirt and body armour know( I know it looks like a bib) but that still needs work and may change. I had to do some major surgery to his moobs as you can see in this last pic that shows the original model they were err very prominent and would have created problems sculpting the body armour over them. Also cut down the Mohawk hair do to a more military height.
I will try to get him finished off whilst i paint up the Castellan in the coming week. Pics of the castellan in paint to follow tomorrow.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Old blue, Rogue Trooper

Finally found old blue at the back of my shelves all dusty and forgotten. The reason he's here is a discussion on star ship modeler about Rogue Trooper and the models stemming from the comic. This was one of my entrys in the 2000ad comp held on SFM:UK a couple of years ago, The other one was a scratchbash of Joe Pinapples which needs dusting off and a leather jacket adding to him, but i digress, Bagman and Helm are scratched and the base is i think African slate but was going to be something looking like quartz to reprisent the quartz zone but could not find any decent christal growing kits at the time but i've got a great one now so may well redo his base. If i can finally figure out how to control time and add an extra 3 or 4 hours to my day with no side effects lol.

chop jobs almost done

Second post for a sunday "shock horror" and there may well be a third coming hot on the heels of this one lol
The boys are still a bit glossy and some more work needs doing but i had to put them away and change my desk back to scratchbuild constrution area instead of painting area for the Castellan tank i've got to finish by months end. The half painted guy is going to be my vet sargeant with a space marines head and an old old power fist again from a space marine sprue.

On a roll

Hi all,

Well have got stuck back into the Alt Armour group build this last week and managed to get all 4 legs compleat-ish and some details on the main hull. Also i've finally decided to go with a Junk Tank Rock feel to this build, was toying with Imperial Guard but the scale was not good. So have pulled out some old Tamiya Germans and WWII kit to hang of the hull. Just the recoiless gun to finish and she's ready to paint. Ill still have a bit of work to do when paints on as the legs need canvas covers sculpting where they join the hull. Time is against me "isnt it always" so details on some parts will be less than i'd have liked but an excellent learning exspiriance and i'll hopefully make a leg that i can cast up to use on future builds as i'm liking how these turned out.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Back packs and other clutter

I've been trying to get some extra kit on my Guards so i've sculpted some extra Back packs and a day pack on one plus a grenade bag (not a handbag) in that last pic. Also in the first 2 pics my attemp at a long parker type coat on one of these guys.
Next up the 3 metal guards i chopped up all painted up.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Seem to have lost 2 weeks somewhere.

Well this is what i managed to do before the holidays hit and i became a functioning mute whilst reading the Ravenor Omnibus by Dan Abnett and what a book, i wont go into a lengthy review as i'm most likely the last person on the planet to read it.
Getting back to the pics you can see i've chopped up his arm and resculpted a new socket. This i hope will give the finished figure a better look and no filling involved. Gotta crack on as i wont to have this done b4 Crewe so i can hand it over to Alun to see if it's a go on casting it up.
Which raises the point that i've basically nothing to take with me to Crewe as in finished models cept my Alt Armour build if thats finished. I better get cracking on some builds in the next few weeks or i'll be in big trouble.