Friday 22 June 2012

SmallSpace show

Something not 40k related but of intrest to all scifi fans i think, next Sunday is the HaMex SmallSapce show linky .
It's near Milton Keynes in a small venue info from link but well worth the effort if your in the area and have any intrest in cult British scifi get along. It's organised by Matt Irvine of the BBC's VFX department and he will be bringing along some of his models. Check out the link for more of the guests and exhibitors attending the show.
SFM will have a table there and i'm popping along for a while but can't be there all day :(

In other news with the near constant rain here in the Fens and being surrounded by low lying ground the gnats have taken full advantage and are what id consider uber gnats. I don't know where the one that bit me on the nose was spawned but  it feels like it's broken and that was on Monday night and it still hurts like hell. It's not noticable just a small bump right on the bridge butt boy dues it hurt so coupled with my tinnitus it's proving hard to get a decent nights sleep so no modelling till this has passed.

Till next time when i'll be back on track.


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