Sunday 17 January 2010

Old blue, Rogue Trooper

Finally found old blue at the back of my shelves all dusty and forgotten. The reason he's here is a discussion on star ship modeler about Rogue Trooper and the models stemming from the comic. This was one of my entrys in the 2000ad comp held on SFM:UK a couple of years ago, The other one was a scratchbash of Joe Pinapples which needs dusting off and a leather jacket adding to him, but i digress, Bagman and Helm are scratched and the base is i think African slate but was going to be something looking like quartz to reprisent the quartz zone but could not find any decent christal growing kits at the time but i've got a great one now so may well redo his base. If i can finally figure out how to control time and add an extra 3 or 4 hours to my day with no side effects lol.


  1. I saw first first pic on google reader and had to comment - excellent mate, thanks for the flashback.

  2. Your welcome and thanks. If i didn't have so meny projects on the go id do more 2000ad based models. Mongol is next on my ABC to do list then blackblood but time just is not a luxery at the moment lol.

  3. Fantastic stuff, Bitzspear! I'm bummed that I've just now found your blog - On the up side, I just got to go through a bunch of your previous posts and found tons of great inspiration and modeling tips there. Excellent!

    As a fan of 2000AD, I had a go at good ol' Blue as well, and use him as a proxy Marbo for 40k: - I really like the one that you've done however I don't recognize the model, was that a production miniature at one time, or did you sculpt it yourself?

    I look forward to seeing what's next - keep up the great work!

  4. Ahhh.

    So easy these days to tell a fellow UK sci-fi geek.

    we all grew up on 2000ad, I loved it. Rogue was always one of my favs and thats a wicked model. is it a Foundry one?

  5. Thanks Mordian7th and Karitas, this model was bought from a little gaming shop called the Dungeon (o how i miss it)in 93 or 94 and it's by a company called Citadel miniaturs you may know them as Games Workshop now ;)lol They did judge Dread and the Dark Judges also. This post was a s a result of a thread on SSM about how little there was in the way of 2000ad models and minis.
